param( [string] $VISRV) ############################### # vCheck - Daily Error Report # ############################### # Thanks to all who have commented on my blog to help improve this project # Especially - Thanks to Raphaël SCHITZ ( for his contributions and time # And also thanks to the many vExperts who have added suggestions for this report. # $Version = "5.31" # # Changes: # Version 5.31- bwuch: Bug fix for LockdownMode # Version 5.30- bwuch: Add check for VMtools installer connected # Version 5.29- bwuch: Add check for VM capacity forecasting # Version 5.28- bwuch: Change to Get-HTMLTable function for possible performance improvements # Version 5.27- bwuch: Added host uptime check # Version 5.26- bwuch: Added host OS pivot table # Version 5.25- bwuch: Added SSL host and vCenter checks # Version 5.24- bwuch: Change to output file name format # Version 5.23- bwuch: Performance fix for mis-named VM check # Version 5.22- bwuch: More changes to prevent 4.1.1 warnings # Version 5.21- bwuch: Change code to prevent warnings when running with PowerCLI 4.1.1 # Version 5.20- bwuch: Add PowerCLI Version check and vCenter Update Manager host baseline compliance # Version 5.19- bwuch: QA/QC bug check fix data issues # Version 5.18- bwuch: Added Guest OS pivot table # Version 5.16- bwuch: Added host hardware check # Version 5.15- bwuch: changed variable name on cluster cpu allocation ratio check # Version 5.14- bwuch: fixed quotes on VM limit check # Version 5.13- bwuch: added sort to old VM hardware check # Version 5.12- bwuch: QA/QC bug check; minor cosmetic fixes # Version 5.11- bwuch: Added check for cluster CPU allocation ratio (ie vCPU to pCore) # Version 5.10- bwuch: Added option to include all headers -- even on tests that return no results # Version 5.09- bwuch: Added several additional checks listed on my blog # Version 5.08- bwuch: Added fix from Leo to check for Free Space instead of capacity # Version 5.07- bwuch: Added check for VMTools that need updated; provided by kevin, slight update by Traveller # Version 5.06- bwuch: Added comment on how to specify multiple NTP servers as suggested by Mark # Version 5.05- bwuch: Added check for unwanted hardware as suggested by Jon # Version 5.04- bwuch: Added fix for select-object statement provided by Ccalvin # Version 5.03- bwuch: Add VM resource limit check using code provided by Ed. # Version 5.02- bwuch: Show VCB garbage bug fix from rvdnieuwendijk # Version 5.01- bwuch: Show overallocation bug fix from James Davis # Version 5.0 - Changed the order and a few titles etc, tidy up ! # Version 4.9 - Added Inacessable VMs # Version 4.8 - Added HA VM restarts and resets # Version 4.7 - VMTools Issues # Version 4.6 - Added VCB Garbage # Version 4.5 - Added Host config issues # Version 4.4 - Added Disk Overcommit check # Version 4.3 - Added vSwitch free ports check # Version 4.2 - Added General Capacity Information based on CPU and MEM ussage per cluster # Version 4.1 - Added the ability to change the colours of the report. # Version 4.0 - HTML Tidy up, comments added for each item and the ability to enable/disable comments. # Version 3.9 - Adjusted log checking to include ESXi Logs # Version 3.8 - Added ESXi check for unsupported mode enabled # Version 3.7 - Added ESXi check for Lockdown Mode Enabled # Version 3.6 - Added VM Memory Swap and Ballooning # Version 3.5 - Added Host Overcommit check # Version 3.4 - Added Guest Disk check for space (MB) # Version 3.3 - Added Size of snapshots # Version 3.2 - Fixed Slot size information issue # Version 3.1 - Added VMs with High CPU Usage # Version 3.0 - Added VMs in mis-matched Folder names # Version 2.9 - Added counts to each titlebar and output to screen whilst running for interactive mode # Version 2.8 - Changed VC Services to show only unexpected status # Version 2.7 - Added VMs with outdated Hardware - vSphere Only # Version 2.6 - Added Slot size check - vSphere Only # version 2.5 - Added report on Hosts in a HA cluster where the swapfile location is set, check the hosts # Version 2.4 - Added VM/Host/Cluster Alerts # Version 2.3 - Added VMs with over x amount of vCPUs # Version 2.2 - Added Dead SCSILuns # Version 2.1 - Now checks for VMs stored on storage available to only one host rather than local storage # Version 2.0 - CPU Ready # Version 1.17 - vmkernel host log file check for warnings # Version 1.16 - NTP Server and service check # Version 1.15 - DRSMigrations & Local Stored VMs # Version 1.14 - Active/Inactive VMs # Version 1.13 - Bug Fixes # Version 1.12 - Added Hosts in Maintenance Mode and not responding + Bug Fixes # Version 1.11 - Simplified mail function. # Version 1.10 - Added How many days old the snapshots are # Version 1.9 - Added ability to change user account which makes the WMI calls # Version 1.8 - Added Real name resolution via AD and sorted disk space by PerfFree # Version 1.7 - Added Event Logs for VMware warnings and errors for past day # Version 1.6 - Add details to service state to see if it is expected or not # Version 1.5 - Check for objects to see if they exist before sending the email + add VMs with No VMTools # You can change the following defaults by altering the below settings: # # Set the SMTP Server address $SMTPSRV = "mysmtpserver.mydomain.local" # Set the Email address to recieve from $EmailFrom = "me@mydomain.local" # Set the Email address to send the email t $EmailTo = "me@mydomain.local" # Use the following item to define if the output should be displayed in the local browser once completed $DisplaytoScreen = $true # When displaying to the screen an output file is created. Set the format of the filename below: $dateFormat = "yyyyMMdd_HHmm" # use "d-M-yyyy" for legacy v5.0 format # Use the following item to define if an email report should be sent once completed $SendEmail = $false # Use the following area to define the colours of the report $Colour1 = "CC0000" # Main Title - currently red $Colour2 = "7BA7C7" # Secondary Title - currently blue #### Detail Settings #### # Set the username of the account with permissions to access the VI Server # for event logs and service details - you will be asked for the same username and password # only the first time this runs after setting the below username. # If it is left blank it will use the credentials of the user who runs the script $SetUsername = "" # Set the location to store the credentials in a secure manner $CredFile = ".\mycred.crd" # Set if you would like to see the helpfull comments about areas of the checks $Comments = $true # Set the warning threshold for Datastore % Free Space $DatastoreSpace = "5" # Set the warning threshold for snapshots in days old $SnapshotAge = 14 # Set the number of days to show VMs created & removed for $VMsNewRemovedAge = 5 # Set the number of days of VC Events to check for errors $VCEventAge = 1 # Set the number of days of VC Event Logs to check for warnings and errors $VCEvntlgAge = 1 # Set the number of days of DRS Migrations to report and count on $DRSMigrateAge = 1 # Local Stored VMs, do not report on any VMs who are defined below $LVMDoNotInclude = "Template_*|VDI*" # VMs with CD/Floppy drives not to report on $CDFloppyConnectedOK = "APP*" # The NTP server to check $ntpserver = "" #Multiple servers can be specified with pipe separator as in "|myntp.domain.local" # vmkernel log file checks - set the number of days to check before today $vmkernelchk = 1 # CPU ready on VMs - To learn more read here: $PercCPUReady = 10.0 # Change the next line to the maximum amount of vCPUs your VMs are allowed $vCpu = 2 # Number of slots available in a cluster $numslots = 10 # VM Cpu above x for the last x days $CPUValue = 75 $CPUDays = 2 # VM Disk space left, set the amount you would like to report on $MBFree = 10 # Max number of VMs per Datastore $NumVMsPerDatastore = 5 # HA VM reset day(s) number $HAVMresetold = 1 # HA VM restart day(s) number $HAVMrestartold = 1 # VMHost/VMFS quota $VMHostVMFSQuota = 28 # Datastore OverAllocation % $OverAllocation = 100 # vSwitch Port Left $vSwitchLeft = 5 # This section can be used to turn off certain areas of the report which may not be relevent to your installation # Set them to $False if you do not want them in your output. # Show headers for all selected tests (not just problem/issues) $ShowAllHeaders = $true # General Summary Info $ShowGenSum = $true # Show version information of PowerCLI and snapins $showPowerCLIVersion = $true # Show CPU Cluster Ratios $ShowCPUClusterRatio = $true # Snapshot Information $ShowSnap = $true # Datastore Information $Showdata = $true # Show SSL Certificate status $showSSLexpiration = $true # Hosts in Maintenance mode $ShowMaint = $true # Hosts not responding or Disconnected $ShowResDis = $true #Show Host Hardware Issues $ShowHostHdwrIssues = $true # Dead LunPath $ShowLunPath = $true #Create Guest OS Pivot table $GuestOSPivot = $true # VMs Created or cloned $ShowCreated = $true # VMs vCPU $Showvcpu = $true # VMs Removed $ShowRemoved = $true # Host Swapfile datastores $ShowSwapFile = $true # DRS Migrations $ShowDRSMig = $true # Cluster Slot Sizes $ShowSlot = $true # VM Hardware Version $ShowHWVer = $true # VI Events $ShowVIevents = $true # VMs in inconsistent folders $ShowFolders = $true # VM Tools $Showtools = $true # Connected CDRoms $ShowCDRom = $true # ConnectedFloppy Drives $ShowFloppy = $true #Find unwanted virtual hardware $showUnwantedHardware = $true $unwantedHardware = "VirtualUSBController|VirtualParallelPort|VirtualSerialPort" # NTP Issues $ShowNTP = $true # Single storage VMs $ShowSingle = $true # VM CPU Ready $ShowCPURDY = $true # Host Alarms $ShowHostAlarm = $true # VM Alarms $ShowVMAlarm = $true # Cluster Alarms $ShowCLUAlarm = $true # Show Datastore Over Allocation $ShowOverAllocation = $true # Show Host Uptime warnings $CheckHostUptime = $true # Show Host vCenter Update Manager Non Compliance $ShowHostVUMNonCompliance = $true # Show Host version pivot table (ESX vs ESXi/with build numbers) $HostOSPivot = $true # VCB garbage $ShowVCBGarbage = $true # VC Service Details $ShowVCDetails = $true # VC Event Log Errors $ShowVCError = $true # VC Event Log Warnings $ShowVCWarn = $true # VMKernel Warning entries $ShowVMKernel = $true # Show VM CPU Usage $ShowVMCPU = $true # Show virtual machines with resource limits $VMresourcelimts = $true #Show thick provisioned virtual disks $ShowThickDisk = $true #Show VMs whose names don't match the installed OS name $ShowMisnamedVM = $true #Show VMs whose configured OS doesn't match installed OS $ShowWrongOS = $true #Show VMs pointing at the wrong syslog server $ShowWrongSyslog = $true $syslogserver = "Your_syslog_server:514" #Show ESXi hosts listening on port 21 (remote TSM enabled) $ShowRemoteTSM = $true # Show ESXi Tech Support mode $ShowTech = $true # Show ESXi Hosts which do not have lockdown mode enabled $Lockdown = $true # Show VMs disk space check $ShowGuestDisk = $true # Show Number of VMs per Datastore $ShowNumVMperDS = $true # Show Overcommit $ShowOvercommit = $true # Show Ballooning and Swapping for VMs $ShowSwapBal = $true # HA VM reset log $HAVMreset = $true # HA VM restart log $HAVMrestart = $true # Host ConfigIssue $ShowHostCIAlarm = $true # Map Disk Region Events ( $ShowMapDiskRegionEvents = $true # Capacity Info $ShowCapacityInfo = $true $LimitDiskCapacityForecastToSharedStorageOnly = $true # VMHost/VMFS Quota $VMHostVMFS = $true # Check inaccessible or invalid VM $ShowBlindedVM = $true # Check VMTools Issues $ShowtoolsIssues = $true # Show VMTools that need updates $Showtoolsupdate = $true # Show VMTools installer connected $ShowtoolsConnected = $true # Check vSwitch Port Left $vSwitchCheck = $true ####################################### # Start of script # Turn off Errors $ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue" if ($VISRV -eq ""){ Write-Host Write-Host "Please specify a VI Server name eg...." Write-Host " powershell.exe vCheck.ps1 MyvCenter" Write-Host Write-Host exit } function Write-CustomOut ($Details){ $LogDate = Get-Date -Format T Write-Host "$($LogDate) $Details" } function Send-SMTPmail($to, $from, $subject, $smtpserver, $body) { $mailer = new-object Net.Mail.SMTPclient($smtpserver) $msg = new-object Net.Mail.MailMessage($from,$to,$subject,$body) $msg.IsBodyHTML = $true $mailer.send($msg) } Function Get-CustomHTML ($Header){ $Report = @" $($Header)

vCheck v$($version) by Alan Renouf ( generated on $($ENV:Computername)

Report created on $(Get-Date)
"@ Return $Report } Function Get-CustomHeader0 ($Title){ $Report = @"


"@ Return $Report } Function Get-CustomHeader ($Title, $cmnt){ $Report = @"


"@ If ($Comments) { $Report += @"
"@ } $Report += @"
"@ Return $Report } Function Get-CustomHeaderClose{ $Report = @"
"@ Return $Report } Function Get-CustomHeader0Close{ $Report = @"
"@ Return $Report } Function Get-CustomHTMLClose{ $Report = @" "@ Return $Report } Function Get-HTMLTable { param([array]$Content) $HTMLTable = $Content | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment #$HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '', "" #$HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '', "" #$HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '', "" #$HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '', "" #$HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '', "" #$HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace 'HTML TABLE', "" #$HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '', "" #$HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '', "" $HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '<', "<" $HTMLTable = $HTMLTable -replace '>', ">" Return $HTMLTable } Function Get-HTMLDetail ($Heading, $Detail){ $Report = @"
$Heading $($Detail)
"@ Return $Report } Function Find-Username ($username){ if ($username -ne $null) { $root = [ADSI]"" $filter = ("(&(objectCategory=user)(samAccountName=$Username))") $ds = new-object system.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($root,$filter) $ds.PageSize = 1000 $UN = $ds.FindOne() If ($UN -eq $null){ Return $username } Else { Return $UN } } } function Get-VIServices { If ($SetUsername -ne ""){ $Services = get-wmiobject win32_service -Credential $creds -ComputerName $VISRV | Where {$_.DisplayName -like "VMware*" } } Else { $Services = get-wmiobject win32_service -ComputerName $VISRV | Where {$_.DisplayName -like "VMware*" } } $myCol = @() Foreach ($service in $Services){ $MyDetails = "" | select-Object Name, State, StartMode, Health If ($service.StartMode -eq "Auto") { if ($service.State -eq "Stopped") { $MyDetails.Name = $service.Displayname $MyDetails.State = $service.State $MyDetails.StartMode = $service.StartMode $MyDetails.Health = "Unexpected State" } } If ($service.StartMode -eq "Auto") { if ($service.State -eq "Running") { $MyDetails.Name = $service.Displayname $MyDetails.State = $service.State $MyDetails.StartMode = $service.StartMode $MyDetails.Health = "OK" } } If ($service.StartMode -eq "Disabled") { If ($service.State -eq "Running") { $MyDetails.Name = $service.Displayname $MyDetails.State = $service.State $MyDetails.StartMode = $service.StartMode $MyDetails.Health = "Unexpected State" } } If ($service.StartMode -eq "Disabled") { if ($service.State -eq "Stopped") { $MyDetails.Name = $service.Displayname $MyDetails.State = $service.State $MyDetails.StartMode = $service.StartMode $MyDetails.Health = "OK" } } $myCol += $MyDetails } Write-Output $myCol } function Get-DatastoreSummary { param( $InputObject = $null ) process { if ($InputObject -and $_) { throw 'The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input.' return } $processObject = $(if ($InputObject) {$InputObject} else {$_}) if ($processObject) { $myCol = @() foreach ($ds in $_) { $MyDetails = "" | select-Object Name, CapacityMB, FreeSpaceMB, PercFreeSpace $MyDetails.Name = $ds.Name #$MyDetails.Type = $ds.Type $MyDetails.CapacityMB = $ds.CapacityMB $MyDetails.FreeSpaceMB = $ds.FreeSpaceMB $MyDetails.PercFreeSpace = [math]::Round(((100 * ($ds.FreeSpaceMB)) / ($ds.CapacityMB)),0) $myCol += $MyDetails } $myCol | Where { $_.PercFreeSpace -lt $DatastoreSpace } } } end { } } function Get-SnapshotSummary { param( $InputObject = $null ) PROCESS { if ($InputObject -and $_) { throw 'ParameterBinderStrings\AmbiguousParameterSet' break } elseif ($InputObject) { $InputObject } elseif ($_) { $mySnaps = @() foreach ($snap in $_){ $SnapshotInfo = Get-SnapshotExtra $snap $mySnaps += $SnapshotInfo } $mySnaps | Select VM, Name, @{N="DaysOld";E={((Get-Date) - $_.Created).Days}}, @{N="Creator";E={(Find-Username (($_.Creator.split("\"))[1])).Properties.displayname}}, SizeMB, Created, Description -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Sort DaysOld } else { throw 'ParameterBinderStrings\InputObjectNotBound' } } } function Get-SnapshotTree{ param($tree, $target) $found = $null foreach($elem in $tree){ if($elem.Snapshot.Value -eq $target.Value){ $found = $elem continue } } if($found -eq $null -and $elem.ChildSnapshotList -ne $null){ $found = Get-SnapshotTree $elem.ChildSnapshotList $target } return $found } function Get-SnapshotExtra ($snap){ $guestName = $snap.VM # The name of the guest $tasknumber = 999 # Windowsize of the Task collector $taskMgr = Get-View TaskManager # Create hash table. Each entry is a create snapshot task $report = @{} $filter = New-Object VMware.Vim.TaskFilterSpec $filter.Time = New-Object VMware.Vim.TaskFilterSpecByTime $filter.Time.beginTime = (($snap.Created).AddDays(-5)) $filter.Time.timeType = "startedTime" $collectionImpl = Get-View ($taskMgr.CreateCollectorForTasks($filter)) $dummy = $collectionImpl.RewindCollector $collection = $collectionImpl.ReadNextTasks($tasknumber) while($collection -ne $null){ $collection | where {$_.DescriptionId -eq "VirtualMachine.createSnapshot" -and $_.State -eq "success" -and $_.EntityName -eq $guestName} | %{ $row = New-Object PsObject $row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name User -Value $_.Reason.UserName $vm = Get-View $_.Entity if($vm -ne $null){ $snapshot = Get-SnapshotTree $vm.Snapshot.RootSnapshotList $_.Result if($snapshot -ne $null){ $key = $_.EntityName + "&" + ($snapshot.CreateTime.ToString()) $report[$key] = $row } } } $collection = $collectionImpl.ReadNextTasks($tasknumber) } $collectionImpl.DestroyCollector() # Get the guest's snapshots and add the user $snapshotsExtra = $snap | % { $key = $_.vm.Name + "&" + ($_.Created.ToString()) if($report.ContainsKey($key)){ $_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Creator -Value $report[$key].User } $_ } $snapshotsExtra } Function Set-Cred ($File) { $Credential = Get-Credential $credential.Password | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content $File } Function Get-Cred ($User,$File) { $password = Get-Content $File | ConvertTo-SecureString $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PsCredential($user,$password) $credential } function Get-UnShareableDatastore { $Report = @() Foreach ($datastore in (Get-Datastore)){ If (($datastore | get-view).summary.multiplehostaccess -eq $false){ ForEach ($VM in (get-vm -datastore $Datastore )){ $SAHost = "" | Select VM, Datastore $SAHost.VM = $VM.Name $SAHost.Datastore = $Datastore.Name $Report += $SAHost } } } $Report } If ($SetUsername -ne ""){ if ((Test-Path -Path $CredFile) -eq $false) { Set-Cred $CredFile } $creds = Get-Cred $SetUsername $CredFile } # PowerCLI Version Checker if (!(Get-Command Get-PowerCLIVersion -errorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Host "PowerCLI does not appear to be installed on this computer. vCheck will not continue." send-SMTPmail -to $EmailTo -from $EmailFrom -subject "ERROR: $VISRV vCheck" -smtpserver $SMTPSRV -body "The Get-PowerCLIVersion Cmdlet was not found, please check your vCheck client machine [$($ENV:Computername)]." exit } Write-CustomOut "Connecting to VI Server" $VIServer = Connect-VIServer $VISRV If ($VIServer.IsConnected -ne $true){ # Fix for scheduled tasks not running. $USER = $env:username $APPPATH = "C:\Documents and Settings\" + $USER + "\Application Data" #SET THE APPDATA ENVIRONMENT WHEN NEEDED if ($env:appdata -eq $null -or $env:appdata -eq 0) { $env:appdata = $APPPATH } $VIServer = Connect-VIServer $VISRV If ($VIServer.IsConnected -ne $true){ Write $VIServer send-SMTPmail -to $EmailTo -from $EmailFrom -subject "ERROR: $VISRV vCheck" -smtpserver $SMTPSRV -body "The Connect-VISERVER Cmdlet did not work, please check you VI Server." exit } } # Find out which version of the API we are connecting to If ((Get-View ServiceInstance).Content.About.Version -ge "4.0.0"){ $VIVersion = 4 } Else{ $VIVersion = 3 } Write-CustomOut "Collecting VM Objects" $VM = Get-VM | Sort Name Write-CustomOut "Collecting Datacenter Objects" $Datacenter = get-datacenter | sort name Write-CustomOut "Collecting VM Host Objects" $VMH = Get-VMHost | Sort Name Write-CustomOut "Collecting Cluster Objects" $Clusters = Get-Cluster | Sort Name Write-CustomOut "Collecting Datastore Objects" $Datastores = Get-Datastore | Sort Name Write-CustomOut "Collecting Detailed VM Objects" $FullVM = Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine | Where {-not $_.Config.Template} Write-CustomOut "Collecting Template Objects" $VMTmpl = Get-Template Write-CustomOut "Collecting Detailed VI Objects" $serviceInstance = get-view ServiceInstance Write-CustomOut "Collecting Detailed Alarm Objects" $alarmMgr = get-view $serviceInstance.Content.alarmManager Write-CustomOut "Collecting Detailed VMHost Objects" $HostsViews = Get-View -ViewType hostsystem $Date = Get-Date # Check for vSphere If ($serviceInstance.Client.ServiceContent.About.Version -ge 4){ $vSphere = $true } $MyReport = Get-CustomHTML "$VIServer vCheck" $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader0 ($VIServer.Name) # ---- General Summary Info ---- If ($ShowGenSum){ Write-CustomOut "..Adding General Summary Info to the report" $CommentsSet = $Comments $Comments = $false $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "General Details" "" $MyReport += Get-HTMLDetail "Number of Hosts:" (@($VMH).Count) $MyReport += Get-HTMLDetail "Number of VMs:" (@($VM).Count) $MyReport += Get-HTMLDetail "Number of Templates:" (@($VMTmpl).Count) $MyReport += Get-HTMLDetail "Number of Clusters:" (@($Clusters).Count) $MyReport += Get-HTMLDetail "Number of Datastores:" (@($Datastores).Count) $MyReport += Get-HTMLDetail "Active VMs:" (@($FullVM | Where { $_.Runtime.PowerState -eq "poweredOn" }).Count) $MyReport += Get-HTMLDetail "In-active VMs:" (@($FullVM | Where { $_.Runtime.PowerState -eq "poweredOff" }).Count) $MyReport += Get-HTMLDetail "DRS Migrations for last $($DRSMigrateAge) Days:" @(Get-VIEvent -maxsamples 10000 -Start ($Date).AddDays(-$DRSMigrateAge ) | where {$_.Gettype().Name -eq "DrsVmMigratedEvent"}).Count $Comments = $CommentsSet $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } # Capacity Planner Info if ($ShowCapacityInfo){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking Capacity Info" $capacityinfo = @() foreach ($cluv in (Get-View -ViewType ClusterComputeResource)){ if ((Get-Cluster $|Get-VM).count -gt 0){ $clucapacity = "" |Select ClusterName, "Estimated Num VM Left (CPU)", "Estimated Num VM Left (MEM)" #CPU $DasRealCpuCapacity = $cluv.Summary.EffectiveCpu - (($cluv.Summary.EffectiveCpu*$cluv.Configuration.DasConfig.FailoverLevel)/$cluv.Summary.NumEffectiveHosts) $CluCpuUsage = get-stat -entity $ -stat cpu.usagemhz.average -Start ($Date).adddays(-7) -Finish ($Date) $CluCpuUsageAvg = ($CluCpuUsage|Where-object{$_.value -gt ($CluCpuUsage|Measure-Object -average -Property value).average}|Measure-Object -Property value -Average).Average $VmCpuAverage = $CluCpuUsageAvg/(Get-Cluster $|Get-VM).count $CpuVmLeft = [math]::round(($DasRealCpuCapacity-$CluCpuUsageAvg)/$VmCpuAverage,0) #MEM $DasRealMemCapacity = $cluv.Summary.EffectiveMemory - (($cluv.Summary.EffectiveMemory*$cluv.Configuration.DasConfig.FailoverLevel)/$cluv.Summary.NumEffectiveHosts) $CluMemUsage = get-stat -entity $ -stat mem.consumed.average -Start ($Date).adddays(-7) -Finish ($Date) $CluMemUsageAvg = ($CluMemUsage|Where-object{$_.value -gt ($CluMemUsage|Measure-Object -average -Property value).average}|Measure-Object -Property value -Average).Average/1024 $VmMemAverage = $CluMemUsageAvg/(Get-Cluster $|Get-VM).count $MemVmLeft = [math]::round(($DasRealMemCapacity-$CluMemUsageAvg)/$VmMemAverage,0) $clucapacity.ClusterName = $ $clucapacity."Estimated Num VM Left (CPU)" = $CpuVmLeft $clucapacity."Estimated Num VM Left (MEM)" = $MemVmLeft $capacityinfo += $clucapacity } } If (($capacityinfo | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Capacity Planner Info" "The following gives brief capacity information for each cluster based on average CPU/Mem usage and counting for HA failover requirements" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $capacityinfo $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } Write-CustomOut "..Checking Capacity Info (disk)" $diskcapacityinfo = @() # The disk forecast will be per datacenter instead of per cluster since # Get-Datastore -Entity only supports VirtualMachine, VMHost, and Datacenter objects. # To improve performance in code, we are going to make the following assumptions # Assumption 1.) Disk capacity - Free Space = space used by VMs # Assumption 2.) used space / count of VMs = Avg Space used per VM # Assumption 3.) we will reserve 15% of capacity for overhead foreach ($dc in $Datacenter) { Clear-Variable forecast* Get-Datastore -Entity $dc | Get-View | %{ if ($LimitDiskCapacityForecastToSharedStorageOnly) { $_ | where-object {$_.Summary.MultipleHostAccess -eq $true} | %{$forecastDiskCapacity += $_.Summary.Capacity; $forecastDiskFree += $_.Summary.FreeSpace} } else { $_ | %{$forecastDiskCapacity += $_.Summary.Capacity; $forecastDiskFree += $_.Summary.FreeSpace} } } $forecastUsedSpace = (0.85 * $forecastDiskCapacity) - $forecastDiskFree $existingVmCount = (Get-VM -Location $dc).Count if ($existingVmCount -ne 0){ $forecastAveragedUsedPerVM = $forecastUsedSpace / $existingVmCount if ($forecastAveragedUsedPerVM -ne 0) { $forecastVMcount = [math]::round(($forecastDiskFree / $forecastAveragedUsedPerVM),1) } } if ($forecastVMcount -ne $null) { $dcdiskcapacity = "" |select "DataCenter Name", "Existing VM Count", "Average used per VM (MB)", "Estimated Num VM Left (Disk)" $dcdiskcapacity."DataCenter Name" = $dc.Name $dcdiskcapacity."Existing VM Count" = $existingVmCount $dcdiskcapacity."Average used per VM (MB)" = "{0:N1}" -f [math]::round(($forecastAveragedUsedPerVM/1024/1024),1) $dcdiskcapacity."Estimated Num VM Left (Disk)" = $forecastVMcount $diskcapacityinfo += $dcdiskcapacity } } If (($diskcapacityinfo | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Capacity Planner Info (Storage)" "The following gives brief capacity information for virtual machine storage per datacenter." $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $diskcapacityinfo $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # Cluster CPU allocation ratios if ($ShowCPUClusterRatio){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking Cluster CPU ratio" $FullClusterDetail = @() Foreach ($Cluster in $Clusters){ $guestcnt,$clustervcpu,$hostCount,$clustercores = 0,0,0,0 Foreach ($ESXHost in ($Cluster |Get-VMHost |Sort Name)){ $hostview = $ESXHost | get-view $guestvcpu = 0 foreach ($clustCpuVM in ($ESXHost |Get-VM)){ $guestcnt += 1 $guestvcpu += ($clustCpuVM).NumCpu } $hdwrCores = $hostview.Hardware.CpuInfo.NumCpuCores $hostCount += 1 $clustercores += $hdwrCores $clustervcpu += $guestvcpu } $ClusterDetails = "" | Select Name, Hosts, Cores, Guests, vCPU_Count,vCPU_per_VM, vCPU_per_Core $ = $Cluster $ClusterDetails.hosts = $hostCount $ClusterDetails.cores = $clustercores $ClusterDetails.guests = $guestcnt $ClusterDetails.vCPU_Count = $clustervcpu $ClusterDetails.vCPU_per_VM = ([math]::round(($clustervcpu/$guestcnt), 2)) $ClusterDetails.vCPU_per_Core = ([math]::round(($clustervcpu/$clustercores), 2)) $FullClusterDetail += $ClusterDetails } If (($FullClusterDetail | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Cluster CPU Allocation ratio" "The following gives brief cluster level view of vCPU and physical core allocation ratios." $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $FullClusterDetail $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # We need to know the version number even if it doesn't show up on the report $powercliVersion = Get-PowerCliVersion # Get the latest version of vCenter Update Manager snapins # # As of 2010/12/29 the latest version is 4.1 build 266648 @ $vPowercliVersion = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt $powercliVersion.SnapinVersions.Count; $i++) { $myObj = "" | Select Name, Build $myObj.Name = $powercliVersion.SnapinVersions[$i].userFriendlyVersion $myObj.Build = $powercliVersion.SnapinVersions[$i].Build $vPowercliVersion += $myObj #This is for later; we are creating a variable for the vCenter Update Manager version #to be used by $ShowHostVUMNonCompliance check if ($powercliVersion.SnapinVersions[$i].userFriendlyVersion -match "Update Manager") { $powerclivumVersion = $powercliVersion.SnapinVersions[$i] } } if ($showPowerCLIVersion) { If (($vPowercliVersion | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "PowerCLI Version Information" "Please verify that you are running a version of PowerCLI which relates to your environment. This script was tested with 4.1 U1 build 332441." $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $vPowercliVersion $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Snapshot Information ---- If ($ShowSnap){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking Snapshots" $Snapshots = @($VM | Get-Snapshot | Where {$_.Created -lt (($Date).AddDays(-$SnapshotAge))} | Get-SnapshotSummary) If (($Snapshots | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Snapshots (Over $SnapshotAge Days Old) : $($snapshots.count)" "VMware snapshots which are kept for a long period of time may cause issues, filling up datastores and also may impact performance of the virtual machine." $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $Snapshots $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Datastore Information ---- If ($Showdata){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking Datastores" $OutputDatastores = @($Datastores | Get-DatastoreSummary | Sort PercFreeSpace) If (($OutputDatastores | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Datastores (Less than $DatastoreSpace% Free) : $($OutputDatastores.count)" "Datastores which run out of space will cause impact on the virtual machines held on these datastores" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $OutputDatastores $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Map disk region ---- If ($ShowMapDiskRegionEvents){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking for Map disk region event" $MapDiskRegionEvents = @($VIEvent | Where {$_.FullFormattedMessage -match "Map disk region"} | Foreach {$_.vm}|select name |Sort-Object -unique) If (($MapDiskRegionEvents | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Map disk region event (Last $VMsNewRemovedAge Day(s)) : $($MapDiskRegionEvents.count)" "These may occur due to VCB issues, check this article for more details " $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $MapDiskRegionEvents $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- SSL Certificate Checker ---- Write-CustomOut "..Checking for SSL Certificate Status" if ($showSSLexpiration){ function Check-SSLCertificate () { #Found starting point here: # $myhostname = $args[0] $port = $args[1] $myObj = "" | select HostName, IssuedBy, Expires, Status try { $conn = new-object$myhostname,$port) } catch { $myObj.Hostname = $myhostname $myObj.IssuedBy = "Unable to reach host on port $port" $myObj.Expires = "Unknown" $myObj.Status = "Error" return $myObj } if ($conn -ne $null) { $stream = new-object$conn.getstream()) #send hostname on cert to try SSL negotiation try { $stream.authenticateasclient($myhostname) 2> $errorString } catch { $myObj.Hostname = $myhostname $myObj.IssuedBy = "SSL Failure - Unable to AuthenticateAsClient" $myObj.Expires = "Unknown" $myObj.Status = "Error" return $myObj } if ($?) { #if connection succeeds, get cert information $cert = $stream.get_remotecertificate() if ($stream.isauthenticated) { #stream is authenticated, so print out success and expiration information read from cert $validto = $cert.getexpirationdatestring() $issuer = $cert.get_issuer() $expirationDays = (New-TimeSpan $date $validto).days $myObj.HostName = $myhostname $myObj.IssuedBy = $issuer.Replace(" DC=","").Replace("CN=","").Replace(",",".") $myObj.Expires = $validto if ($expirationDays -lt 45) { $myObj.Status = "Warning" } else { $myObj.Status = "Normal" } return $myObj } } } } $MySslObj = @() $SslDetails = "" | Select HostName, IssuedBy, Expires, Status #First we will check the vCenter Server SSL Certificate $SslDetails = Check-SSLCertificate $ $VIServer.Port if ($SslDetails.Status -ne "Normal") { $mySslObj += $SslDetails } #Then we will check each host certificate. Foreach ($VMHost in $VMH) { $hview = $vmHost |get-view $SslDetails = "" | Select HostName, IssuedBy, Expires, Status $SslDetails = Check-SSLCertificate $ $hview.Summary.Config.Port if ($SslDetails.Status -ne "Normal") { $mySslObj += $SslDetails } } If (($MySslObj | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "SSL Status Check : $($MySslObj.count)" "SSL Certificates should be replaced with ones issued from a trusted authority." $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $MySslObj $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Hosts in Maintenance Mode ---- If ($ShowMaint){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking Hosts in Maintenance Mode" $MaintHosts = @($VMH | where {$_.ConnectionState -match "Maintenance"} | Select Name, ConnectionState) If (($MaintHosts | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Hosts in Maintenance Mode : $($MaintHosts.count)" "Hosts held in Maintenance mode will not be running any virtual machine worloads, check the below Hosts are in an expected state" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $MaintHosts $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Hosts Not responding or Disconnected ---- If ($ShowResDis){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking Hosts Not responding or Disconnected" $RespondHosts = @($VMH | where {$_.ConnectionState -ne "Connected" -and $_.State -ne "Maintenance"} | get-view | Select name, @{N="Connection State";E={$_.Runtime.ConnectionState}}, @{N="Power State";E={$_.Runtime.PowerState}}) If (($RespondHosts | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Hosts not responding or disconnected : $($RespondHosts.count)" "Hosts which are in a disconnected state will not be running any virtual machine worloads, check the below Hosts are in an expected state" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $RespondHosts $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Hosts which are overcomitting ---- If ($ShowOvercommit){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking Hosts Overcommit state" $MyObj = @() Foreach ($VMHost in $VMH) { $Details = "" | Select Host, TotalMemMB, TotalAssignedMemMB, TotalUsedMB, OverCommitMB $Details.Host = $VMHost.Name $Details.TotalMemMB = $VMHost.MemoryTotalMB if ($VMMem) { Clear-Variable VMMem } Get-VMHost $VMHost | Get-VM | Foreach { [INT]$VMMem += $_.MemoryMB } $Details.TotalAssignedMemMB = $VMMem $Details.TotalUsedMB = $VMHost.MemoryUsageMB If ($Details.TotalAssignedMemMB -gt $VMHost.MemoryTotalMB) { $Details.OverCommitMB = ($Details.TotalAssignedMemMB - $VMHost.MemoryTotalMB) } Else { $Details.OverCommitMB = 0 } $MyObj += $Details } $OverCommit = @($MyObj | Where {$_.OverCommitMB -gt 0}) If (($OverCommit | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Hosts overcommiting memory : $($OverCommit.count)" "Overcommitted hosts may cause issues with performance if memory is not issued when needed, this may cause ballooning and swapping" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $OverCommit $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Host hardware issues ---- #bwuch Hardware request feature request from RobVM # with help from Write-CustomOut "..Checking host hardware issues" $MyObj = @() if ($ShowHostHdwrIssues) { foreach ($hdwrCheckHost in $VMH) { $esx = Get-VMHost $hdwrCheckHost | Get-View $systemHealthInfo = $esx.Runtime.HealthSystemRuntime.SystemHealthInfo for($i = 0; $i -lt $systemHealthInfo.NumericSensorInfo.Count; $i++){ if ($systemHealthInfo.NumericSensorInfo[$i].HealthState.key -ne "green") { $Details = "" | Select Host, SensorName, SensorType, SensorStatus $Details.Host = $hdwrCheckHost $Details.SensorName = $systemHealthInfo.NumericSensorInfo[$i].Name $Details.SensorType = $systemHealthInfo.NumericSensorInfo[$i].SensorType $Details.SensorStatus = $systemHealthInfo.NumericSensorInfo[$i].HealthState.key $myObj += $Details } } } If (($myObj | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Hosts with hardware sensor issues : $($myObj.count)" "Non-green status on host hardware sensors may indicate a possible hardware issue and may require investigation." $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $myObj $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Dead LunPath ---- If ($ShowLunPath){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking Hosts Dead Lun Path" $deadluns = @() foreach ($esxhost in ($VMH | where {$_.ConnectionState -eq "Connected" -or $_.ConnectionState -eq "Maintenance"})) { $esxluns = Get-ScsiLun -vmhost $esxhost |Get-ScsiLunPath foreach ($esxlun in $esxluns){ if ($esxlun.state -eq "Dead") { $myObj = "" | Select VMHost, Lunpath, ConnectionState $myObj.VMHost = $esxhost $myObj.Lunpath = $esxlun.Lunpath $myObj.ConnectionState = $esxlun.state $deadluns += $myObj } } } If (($deadluns | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Dead LunPath : $($deadluns.count)" "Dead LUN Paths may cause issues with storage performance or be an indication of loss of redundancy" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $deadluns $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- VM Guest OS Pivot Table ---- if ($GuestOSPivot) { Write-CustomOut "..Creating Guest OS Pivot table" $VMOSversions = @{ } $VM | Get-View | % { # Prefer to use GuestFullName but try AltGuestName first if ($_.Config.AlternateGuestName) { $VMOSversion = $_.Config.AlternateGuestName } if ($_.Guest.GuestFullName) { $VMOSversion = $_.Guest.GuestFullName } # Seeing if any of these options worked if (!($VMOSversion)) { # No 'version' so checking for tools if (!($_.Guest.ToolsStatus.Value__ )) { $VMOSversion = "Unknown - no VMTools" } else { # Still no 'version', must be old tools $toolsversion = $_.Config.Tools.ToolsVersion $VMOSversion = "Unknown - tools version $toolsversion" } } $VMOSversions.$VMOSversion++ } $myCol = @() foreach ( $gosname in $VMOSversions.Keys | sort) { $MyDetails = "" | select OS, Count $MyDetails.OS = $gosname $MyDetails.Count = $VMOSversions.$gosname $myCol += $MyDetails } $vVMOSversions = $myCol | sort Count -desc If (($vVMOSversions | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VMs by Operating System : $($vVMOSversions.count)" "The following Operating Systems are in use in this vCenter." $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $vVMOSversions $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- VMs created or Cloned ---- If ($ShowCreated){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking for created or cloned VMs" $VIEvent = Get-VIEvent -maxsamples 10000 -Start ($Date).AddDays(-$VMsNewRemovedAge) $OutputCreatedVMs = @($VIEvent | where {$_.Gettype().Name -eq "VmCreatedEvent" -or $_.Gettype().Name -eq "VmBeingClonedEvent" -or $_.Gettype().Name -eq "VmBeingDeployedEvent"} | Select createdTime, @{N="User";E={(Find-Username (($_.userName.split("\"))[1])).Properties.displayname}}, fullFormattedMessage) If (($OutputCreatedVMs | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VMs Created or Cloned (Last $VMsNewRemovedAge Day(s)) : $($OutputCreatedVMs.count)" "The following VMs have been created over the last $($VMsNewRemovedAge) Days" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $OutputCreatedVMs $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- VMs Removed ---- If ($ShowRemoved){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking for removed VMs" $OutputRemovedVMs = @($VIEvent | where {$_.Gettype().Name -eq "VmRemovedEvent"}| Select createdTime, @{N="User";E={(Find-Username (($_.userName.split("\"))[1])).Properties.displayname}}, fullFormattedMessage) If (($OutputRemovedVMs | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VMs Removed (Last $VMsNewRemovedAge Day(s)) : $($OutputRemovedVMs.count)" "The following VMs have been removed/deleted over the last $($VMsNewRemovedAge) days" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $OutputRemovedVMs $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- VMs vCPU ---- If ($Showvcpu){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking for VMs with over $vCPU vCPUs" $OverCPU = @($VM | Where {$_.NumCPU -gt $vCPU} | Select Name, PowerState, NumCPU) If (($OverCPU | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VMs with over $vCPU vCPUs : $($OverCPU.count)" "The following VMs have over $vCPU CPU(s) and may impact performance due to CPU scheduling" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $OverCPU $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- VMs Swapping or Ballooning ---- If ($ShowSwapBal){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking for VMs swapping or Ballooning" $BALSWAP = $vm | Where {$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn" }| Select Name, VMHost, @{N="SwapKB";E={(Get-Stat -Entity $_ -Stat mem.swapped.average -Realtime -MaxSamples 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Value}}, @{N="MemBalloonKB";E={(Get-Stat -Entity $_ -Stat mem.vmmemctl.average -Realtime -MaxSamples 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Value}} $bs = @($BALSWAP | Where { $_.SwapKB -gt 0 -or $_.MemBalloonKB -gt 0}) | Sort SwapKB -Descending If (($bs | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VMs Ballooning or Swapping : $($bs.count)" "Ballooning and swapping may indicate a lack of memory or a limit on a VM, this may be an indication of not enough memory in a host or a limit held on a VM, further information is available here." $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $bs $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # invalid or inaccessible VM if ($ShowBlindedVM) { Write-CustomOut "..Checking invalid or inaccessible VM" $BlindedVM = $FullVM|?{$_.Runtime.ConnectionState -eq "invalid" -or $_.Runtime.ConnectionState -eq "inaccessible"}|sort name |select name If (($BlindedVM | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VM invalid or inaccessible : $(($BlindedVM | Measure-Object).count)" "The following VMs are marked as inaccessible or invalid" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $BlindedVM $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- HA VM reset log ---- If ($HAVMreset){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking HA VM reset" $HAVMresetlist = @(Get-VIEvent -maxsamples 100000 -Start ($Date).AddDays(-$HAVMresetold) -type info |?{$_.FullFormattedMessage -match "reset due to a guest OS error"} |select CreatedTime,FullFormattedMessage |sort CreatedTime -Descending) If (($HAVMresetlist | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "HA VM reset (Last $HAVMresetold Day(s)) : $($HAVMresetlist.count)" "The following VMs have been restarted by HA in the last $HAVMresetold days" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $HAVMresetlist $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- HA VM restart log ---- If ($HAVMrestart){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking HA VM restart" $HAVMrestartlist = @(Get-VIEvent -maxsamples 100000 -Start ($Date).AddDays(-$HAVMrestartold) -type info |?{$_.FullFormattedMessage -match "was restarted"} |select CreatedTime,FullFormattedMessage |sort CreatedTime -Descending) If (($HAVMrestartlist | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "HA VM restart (Last $HAVMrestartold Day(s)) : $($HAVMrestartlist.count)" "The following VMs have been restarted by HA in the last $HAVMresetold days" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $HAVMrestartlist $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- VMSwapfileDatastore not set---- If ($Showswapfile){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking Host Swapfile datastores" $cluswap = @() foreach ($clusview in $clusviews) { if ($clusview.ConfigurationEx.VmSwapPlacement -eq "hostLocal") { $CluNodesViews = Get-VMHost -Location $ |Get-View foreach ($CluNodesView in $CluNodesViews) { if ($CluNodesView.Config.LocalSwapDatastore.Value -eq $null) { $Details = "" | Select-Object Cluster, Host, Message $Details.cluster = $ $ = $ $Details.Message = "Swapfile location NOT SET" $cluswap += $Details } } } } If (($cluswap | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $cluswap = $cluswap | sort name $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VMSwapfileDatastore(s) not set : $($cluswap.count)" "The following hosts are in a cluster which is set to store the swapfile in the datastore specified by the host but no location has been set on the host" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $cluswap $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- DRS Migrations ---- If ($ShowDRSMig){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking DRS Migrations" $DRSMigrations = @(Get-VIEvent -maxsamples 10000 -Start ($Date).AddDays(-$DRSMigrateAge ) | where {$_.Gettype().Name -eq "DrsVmMigratedEvent"} | select createdTime, fullFormattedMessage) If (($DRSMigrations | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "DRS Migrations (Last $DRSMigrateAge Day(s)) : $($DRSMigrations.count)" "Multiple DRS Migrations may be an indication of overloaded hosts, check resouce levels of the cluster" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $DRSMigrations $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # --- Cluster Slot Sizes --- If ($Showslot){ If ($vSphere -eq $true){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking Cluster Slot Sizes" $SlotInfo = @() Foreach ($Cluster in ($Clusters| Get-View)){ If ($Cluster.Configuration.DasConfig.Enabled -eq $true){ $SlotDetails = $Cluster.RetrieveDasAdvancedRuntimeInfo() $Details = "" | Select Cluster, TotalSlots, UsedSlots, AvailableSlots $Details.Cluster = $Cluster.Name $Details.TotalSlots = $SlotDetails.TotalSlots $Details.UsedSlots = $SlotDetails.UsedSlots $Details.AvailableSlots = $SlotDetails.UnreservedSlots $SlotInfo += $Details } } $SlotCHK = @($SlotInfo | Where { $_.AvailableSlots -lt $numslots}) If (($SlotCHK | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Clusters with less than $numslots Slot Sizes : $($SlotCHK.count)" "Slot sizes in the below cluster are less than is specified, this may cause issues with creating new VMs, for more information click here: Yellow-Bricks HA Deep Dive" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $SlotCHK $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } } # ---- VM Disk Space - Less than x MB ---- If ($ShowGuestDisk){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking for Guests with less than $MBFree MB" $MyCollection = @() $AllVMs = $FullVM | Where {-not $_.Config.Template } | Where { $_.Runtime.PowerState -eq "poweredOn" -And ($_.Guest.toolsStatus -ne "toolsNotInstalled" -And $_.Guest.ToolsStatus -ne "toolsNotRunning")} $SortedVMs = $AllVMs | Select *, @{N="NumDisks";E={@($_.Guest.Disk.Length)}} | Sort-Object -Descending NumDisks ForEach ($VMdsk in $SortedVMs){ $Details = New-object PSObject $DiskNum = 0 Foreach ($disk in $VMdsk.Guest.Disk){ if (([math]::Round($disk.FreeSpace/ 1MB)) -lt $MBFree){ $Details | Add-Member -Name Name -Value $ -Membertype NoteProperty $Details | Add-Member -Name "Disk$($DiskNum)path" -MemberType NoteProperty -Value $Disk.DiskPath $Details | Add-Member -Name "Disk$($DiskNum)Capacity(MB)" -MemberType NoteProperty -Value ([math]::Round($disk.Capacity/ 1MB)) $Details | Add-Member -Name "Disk$($DiskNum)FreeSpace(MB)" -MemberType NoteProperty -Value ([math]::Round($disk.FreeSpace / 1MB)) $DiskNum++ $MyCollection += $Details } } } If (($MyCollection | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VMs with less than $MBFree MB : $($MyCollection.count)" "The following guests have less than $MBFree MB Free, if a guest disk fills up it may cause issues with the guest Operating System" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $MyCollection $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } #Stuff added by bwuch: if ($ShowThickDisk) { Write-CustomOut "..Checking for thick provisioned virtual disk files" $thickdisks = @() foreach ($vmguest in ($VM | get-view)) { $name = $ $vmguest.Config.Hardware.Device | where {$_.GetType().Name -eq "VirtualDisk"} | %{ if(!$_.Backing.ThinProvisioned){ $myObj = "" | select Name,Label,File,CapacityGB $myObj.Name = $name $myObj.Label = $_.DeviceInfo.Label $myObj.File = $_.Backing.FileName $myObj.CapacityGB = [math]::round(($_.CapacityInKB / 1024 / 1024),2) $thickdisks += $myObj } } } If (($thickdisks | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $myReport += Get-CustomHeader "Thick provisioned virtual disks : $($thickdisks.count)" "Standard virtual disks in this environment are thin provisioned. Thick provisioned disks represent a possible waste of storage space and should only be used when disk I/O performance is a top concern." $myReport += Get-HTMLTable $thickdisks $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } #-------------------- if ($ShowMisnamedVM) { Write-CustomOut "..Finding mis-named VMs" $misnamed = @() foreach ($vmguest in ($FullVM | where { $_.Guest.HostName -ne $NULL -AND $_.Guest.HostName -notmatch $_.Name })) { $myObj = "" | select VMName,GuestName $myObj.VMName = $ $myObj.GuestName = $vmguest.Guest.HostName $misnamed += $myObj } If (($misnamed | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $myReport += Get-CustomHeader "Mis-named virtual machines : $($misnamed.count)" "The following guest names do not match the name inside of the guest." $myReport += Get-HTMLTable $misnamed $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } #-------------------- if ($ShowWrongOS) { Write-CustomOut "..Finding guests with wrong OS selected." $wrongOS = @() foreach ($vmguest in ($VM | get-view | where ({ $_.Guest.GuestFullname -ne $NULL -AND $_.Guest.GuestFullname -ne $_.Summary.Config.GuestFullName}))) { $myObj = "" | select Name,InstalledOS,SelectedOS $myObj.Name = $ $myObj.InstalledOS = $vmguest.Guest.GuestFullName $myObj.SelectedOS = $vmguest.Summary.Config.GuestFullName $wrongOS += $myObj } If (($wrongOS | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $myReport += Get-CustomHeader "Guests with wrong OS : $($wrongOS.count)" "The following virtual machines contain operating systems other than the ones selected in the VM configuration." $myReport += Get-HTMLTable $wrongOS $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } #-------------------- if ($ShowWrongSyslog) { Write-CustomOut "..Checking VM Host syslog server" $wrongSyslog = @() foreach ($vmhost in ($VMH | Where {$_.ConnectionState -ne "Disconnected"} | Select Name, @{N="SLServer";E={$_ | Get-VMHostSyslogServer}} | Where {$_.SLServer -notmatch $syslogserver})) { $myObj = "" | select Name,SyslogServer $ = $ $myObj.SyslogServer = $vmhost.SLServer $wrongSyslog += $myObj } If (($wrongSyslog | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $myReport += Get-CustomHeader "Hosts with the wrong syslog specified : $($wrongSyslog.count)" "The following hosts do not have a proper syslog of $syslogserver specified." $myReport += Get-HTMLTable $wrongSyslog $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } #-------------------- if ($ShowRemoteTSM) { Write-CustomOut "..Checking VM Host for remote TSM enabled" $startingEAP = $ErrorActionPreference $ErrorActionPreference="SilentlyContinue" $remoteTSM = @() foreach ($vmhost in ($VMH)) { $socket = new-object Net.Sockets.TcpClient $socket.connect($vmhost,22) if ($socket.Connected) { $myObj = "" | select Name,Connected $myObj.Name = $ $myObj.Connected = "TRUE" $remoteTSM += $myObj $socket.close() } } $ErrorActionPreference = $startingEAP If (($remoteTSM | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $myReport += Get-CustomHeader "Hosts with remote tech support enabled : $($remoteTSM.count)" "The following hosts have SSH/remote tech support mode enabled." $myReport += Get-HTMLTable $remoteTSM $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Virtual Machines with Resource Limits ---- If ($VMresourcelimts){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking for Resource Limits" $VMResourceLimits = @($VM | get-view | where {$_.ResourceConfig.CpuAllocation.Limit -ne -1 -or $_.ResourceConfig.MemoryAllocation.Limit -ne -1} | Select Name, @{N="CPULimit";E={$_.ResourceConfig.CpuAllocation.Limit}}, @{N="MEMLimit";E={$_.ResourceConfig.MemoryAllocation.Limit}} | Sort Name) If (($VMResourceLimits | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders){ $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Number of VMs with resource limits : $($VMResourceLimits.count)" "VMs with Resource limits" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $VMResourceLimits $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- ESXi Technical Support Mode ---- If ($ShowTech){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking for ESXi with Technical Support mode enabled" $ESXiTechMode = $VMH | Where {$_.ConnectionState -eq "Connected" -or $_.ConnectionState -eq "Maintenance"} | Get-View | Where {$_.Summary.Config.Product.Name -match "i"} | Select Name, @{N="TechSuportModeEnabled";E={(Get-VMHost $_.Name | Get-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration -Name VMkernel.Boot.techSupportMode).Values}} $ESXTech = @($ESXiTechMode | Where { $_.TechSuportModeEnabled -eq "True" }) If (($ESXTech | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "ESXi Hosts with Tech Support Mode Enabled : $($ESXTech.count)" "The following ESXi Hosts have Technical support mode enabled, this may not be the best security option, see here for more information: Yellow-Bricks Disable Tech Support on ESXi." $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $ESXTech $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- ESXi Lockdown Mode ---- If ($Lockdown){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking for ESXi hosts which do not have Lockdown mode enabled" $ESXiLockDown = $VMH | Where {$_.ConnectionState -eq "Connected" -or $_.ConnectionState -eq "Maintenance"} | Get-View | Where {$_.Summary.Config.Product.Name -match "i"} | Select Name, @{N="LockedMode";E={$_.Config.AdminDisabled}} $ESXiUnlocked = @($ESXiLockDown | Where { $_.LockedMode -ne "False" }) If (($ESXiUnlocked | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "ESXi Hosts with Lockdown Mode not Enabled : $($ESXiUnlocked.count)" "The following ESXi Hosts do not have lockdown enabled, think about using Lockdown as an extra security feature." $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $ESXiUnlocked $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- VM Hardware Version ---- If ($ShowHWVer){ If ($vSphere -eq $true){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking VM Hardware Version" $HV = @($FullVM | Select Name, @{N="HardwareVersion";E={"Version $($_.Config.Version[5])"}} | Where {$_.HardwareVersion -ne "Version 7"} | sort name) If (($HV | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VMs with old hardware : $($HV.count)" "The following VMs are not at the latest hardware version, you may gain performance enhancements if you convert them to the latest version" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $HV $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } } # ---- VC Errors ---- If ($ShowVIEvents){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking VI Events" $OutputErrors = @(Get-VIEvent -maxsamples 10000 -Start ($Date).AddDays(-$VCEventAge ) -Type Error | Select @{N="Host";E={$}}, createdTime, @{N="User";E={(Find-Username (($_.userName.split("\"))[1])).Properties.displayname}}, fullFormattedMessage) If (($OutputErrors | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Error Events (Last $VCEventAge Day(s)) : $($OutputErrors.count)" "The Following Errors were logged in the vCenter Events tab, you may wish to investigate these" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $OutputErrors $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- vSwitch Ports Check ---- if ($vSwitchCheck){ $vswitchinfo = @() foreach ($vhost in $VMH) { foreach ($vswitch in ($vhost|Get-VirtualSwitch)) { $vswitchinf = "" | Select VMHost, vSwitch, PortsLeft $vswitchinf.VMHost = $vhost $vswitchinf.vSwitch = $ $vswitchinf.PortsLeft = $vswitch.NumPortsAvailable $vswitchinfo += $vswitchinf } } $vswitchinfo = $vswitchinfo |sort PortsLeft | Where {$_.PortsLeft -lt $($vSwitchLeft)} If (($vswitchinfo | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "vSwitch with less than $vSwitchLeft Port(s) Free : $($vswitchinfo.count)" "The following vSwitches have less than $vSwitchLeft left" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $vswitchinfo $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- VMs in inconsistent folders ---- If ($Showfolders){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking VMs in Inconsistent folders" $VMFolder = @() Foreach ($CHKVM in $FullVM){ $Details = "" |Select-Object VM,Path $Folder = ((($CHKVM.Summary.Config.VmPathName).Split(']')[1]).Split('/'))[0].TrimStart(' ') $Path = ($CHKVM.Summary.Config.VmPathName).Split('/')[0] If ($CHKVM.Name-ne $Folder){ $Details.VM= $CHKVM.Name $Details.Path= $Path $VMFolder += $Details} } If (($VMFolder | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VMs in Inconsistent folders : $($VMFolder.count)" "The Following VM's are not stored in folders consistent to their names, this may cause issues when trying to locate them from the datastore manually" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $VMFolder $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- No VM Tools ---- If ($Showtools){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking VM Tools" $NoTools = @($FullVM | Where {$_.Runtime.Powerstate -eq "poweredOn" -And ($_.Guest.toolsStatus -eq "toolsNotInstalled" -Or $_.Guest.ToolsStatus -eq "toolsNotRunning")} | Select Name, @{N="Status";E={$_.Guest.ToolsStatus}} |sort Name) If (($NoTools | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "No VMTools : $($NoTools.count)" "The following VMs do not have VM Tools installed or are not running, you may gain increased performance and driver support if you install VMTools" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $NoTools $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- VM Tools Issues ---- If ($ShowtoolsIssues){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking VM Tools Issues" $FailTools = $VM |Where {$_.Guest.State -eq "Running" -And ($_.Guest.OSFullName -eq $NULL -or $_.Guest.IPAddress -eq $NULL -or $_.Guest.HostName -eq $NULL -or $_.Guest.Disks -eq $NULL -or $_.Guest.Nics -eq $NULL)} |select -ExpandProperty Guest |select vmname,@{N= "IPAddress";E={$_.IPAddress[0]}},OSFullName,HostName,@{N="NetworkLabel";E={$_.nics[0].NetworkName}} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue|sort VmName If (($FailTools | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VM Tools Issues : $($FailTools.count)" "The following VMs have issues with VMtools, these should be checked and reinstalled if necessary" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $FailTools $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- VM Tools out of date ---- If ($Showtoolsupdate){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking VM Tools Out of Date" $UpdateTools = @($FullVM |Where {$_.Guest.ToolsStatus -eq "ToolsOld"} |Select Name, @{N="Status";E={$_.Guest.ToolsStatus}} | sort Name) If (($UpdateTools | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VM Tools Updates : $($UpdateTools.count)" "The following VMs have issues with VMtools and need to be updated" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $UpdateTools $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- VM Tools connected ---- If ($ShowtoolsConnected){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking VM Tools Installer connected" $ToolsConnect = @($FullVM | where {$_.Runtime.ToolsInstallerMounted -eq $true} | select Name, @{N="Connected";E={$_.RunTime.ToolsInstallerMounted}} | sort Name) If (($ToolsConnect | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VM Tools Installer connected : $($ToolsConnect.count)" "The following VMs have the VMware Tools installer mounted and may create VMotion violations." $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $ToolsConnect $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- CD-Roms Connected ---- If ($ShowCDROM){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking for connected CDRoms" $CDConn = @($VM | Where { $_ | Get-CDDrive | Where { $_.ConnectionState.Connected -eq $true } } | Select Name, VMHost) $CDConn = $CDConn | Where { $_.Name -notmatch $CDFloppyConnectedOK } If (($CDConn | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VM: CD-ROM Connected - VMotion Violation : $($CDConn.count)" "The following VMs have a CD-ROM connected, this may cause issues if this machine needs to be migrated to a different host" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $CDConn $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Floppys Connected ---- If ($ShowFloppy){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking for connected floppy drives" $Floppy = @($VM | Where { $_ | Get-FloppyDrive | Where { $_.ConnectionState.Connected -eq $true } } | Where { $_.Name -notmatch $CDFloppyConnectedOK } | Select Name, VMHost) $Floppy = $Floppy | Where { $_.Name -notmatch $CDFloppyConnectedOK } If (($Floppy | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VM:Floppy Drive Connected - VMotion Violation : $($Floppy.count)" "The following VMs have a floppy disk connected, this may cause issues if this machine needs to be migrated to a different host" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $Floppy $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Unwanted hardware connected ---- If ($showUnwantedHardware){ #Thanks to @lucd $vUnwantedHw = @() foreach ($vmguest in ($vm | get-view)) { $vmguest.Config.Hardware.Device | where {$_.GetType().Name -match $unwantedHardware} | %{ $myObj = "" | select Name,Label $myObj.Name = $ $myObj.Label = $_.DeviceInfo.Label $vUnwantedHw += $myObj } } If (($vUnwantedHw | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $myReport += Get-CustomHeader "Unwanted virtual hardware found : $($vUnwantedHw.count)" "Certain kinds of hardware are unwanted on virtual machines as they may cause unnecessary vMotion constraints." $myReport += Get-HTMLTable $vUnwantedHw $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Single Storage VMs ---- If ($ShowSingle){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking Datastores assigned to single hosts for VMs" $LocalVMs = @($LocalOnly | Get-UnShareableDatastore | Where { $_.VM -notmatch $LVMDoNotInclude }) If (($LocalVMs | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VMs stored on non shared datastores : $($LocalVMs.count)" "The following VMs are located on storage which is only accesible by 1 host, these will not be compatible with VMotion and may be disconnected in the event of host failure" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $LocalVMs $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- NTP Check ---- If ($ShowNTP){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking NTP Name and Service" $NTPCheck = @($VMH | Where {$_.ConnectionState -ne "Disconnected"} | Select Name, @{N="NTPServer";E={$_ | Get-VMHostNtpServer}}, @{N="ServiceRunning";E={(Get-VmHostService -VMHost $_ | Where-Object {$_.key -eq "ntpd"}).Running}} | Where {$_.ServiceRunning -eq $false -or $_.NTPServer -notmatch $ntpserver}) If (($NTPCheck | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "NTP Issues : $($NTPCheck.count)" "The following hosts do not have the correct NTP settings of $ntpserver and may cause issues if the time becomes far apart from the vCenter/Domain or other hosts" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $NTPCheck $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- CPU %Ready Check ---- If ($ShowCPURDY){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking VM CPU %RDY" $myCol = @() ForEach ($v in ($VM | Where {$_.PowerState -eq "PoweredOn"})){ For ($cpunum = 0; $cpunum -lt $v.NumCpu; $cpunum++){ $myObj = "" | Select VM, VMHost, CPU, PercReady $myObj.VM = $v.Name $myObj.VMHost = $v.VMHost $myObj.CPU = $cpunum $myObj.PercReady = [Math]::Round((($v | Get-Stat -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Stat Cpu.Ready.Summation -Realtime | Where {$_.Instance -eq $cpunum} | Measure-Object -Property Value -Average).Average)/200,1) $myCol += $myObj } } $rdycheck = @($myCol | Where {$_.PercReady -gt $PercCPUReady} | Sort PercReady -Descending) If (($rdycheck | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VM CPU % RDY over $PercCPUReady : $($rdycheck.count)" "The following VMs have high CPU RDY times, this can cause performance issues for more information please read This article" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $rdycheck $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- VM CPU Check ---- If ($ShowVMCPU){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking VM CPU Usage" $VMCPU = $VM | Select Name, @{N="AverageCPU";E={[Math]::Round(($_ | Get-Stat -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Stat cpu.usage.average -Start (($Date).AddDays(-$CPUDays)) -Finish ($Date) | Measure-Object -Property Value -Average).Average)}}, NumCPU, VMHost | Where {$_.AverageCPU -gt $CPUValue} | Sort AverageCPU -Descending If (($VMCPU | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VM(s) CPU above $CPUValue : $($VMCPU.count)" "The following VMs have high CPU usage and may have rogue guest processes or not enough CPU resource assigned" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $VMCPU $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Num VM Per Datastore Check ---- If ($ShowNumVMperDS){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking Number of VMs per Datastore" $VMPerDS = @($Datastores | Select Name, @{N="NumVM";E={@($_ | Get-VM).Count}} | Where { $_.NumVM -gt $NumVMsPerDatastore} | Sort Name) If (($VMPerDS | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Number of VMs per Datastore over $NumVMsPerDatastore : $($VMPerDS.count)" "The Maximum number of VMs per datastore is 256, the following VMs are above the defined $NumVMsPerDatastore and may cause performance issues" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $VMPerDS $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Host ConfigIssue ---- If ($ShowHostCIAlarm){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking Host Configuration Issues" $hostcialarms = @() foreach ($HostsView in $HostsViews) { if ($HostsView.ConfigIssue) { $HostConfigIssues = $HostsView.ConfigIssue Foreach ($HostConfigIssue in $HostConfigIssues) { $Details = "" | Select-Object Name, Reason, Message $ = $ $Details.Reason = $HostConfigIssue.Reason $Details.Message = $HostConfigIssue.FullFormattedMessage $hostcialarms += $Details } } } If (($hostcialarms | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $hostcialarms = $hostcialarms | sort name $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Host(s) Config Issue(s) : $($hostcialarms.count)" "The following configuration issues have been registered against Hosts in vCenter" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $hostcialarms $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Host Alarm ---- If ($ShowHostAlarm){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking Host Alarms" $alarms = $alarmMgr.GetAlarm($null) $valarms = $alarms | select value, @{N="name";E={(Get-View -Id $_).Info.Name}} $hostsalarms = @() foreach ($HostsView in $HostsViews){ if ($HostsView.TriggeredAlarmState){ $hostsTriggeredAlarms = $HostsView.TriggeredAlarmState Foreach ($hostsTriggeredAlarm in $hostsTriggeredAlarms){ $Details = "" | Select-Object Object, Alarm, Status, Time $Details.Object = $ $Details.Alarm = ($valarms |?{$_.value -eq ($hostsTriggeredAlarm.alarm.value)}).name $Details.Status = $hostsTriggeredAlarm.OverallStatus $Details.Time = $hostsTriggeredAlarm.time $hostsalarms += $Details } } } If (($hostsalarms | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $hostsalarms = @($hostsalarms |sort Object) $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Host(s) Alarm(s) : $($hostalarms.count)" "The following alarms have been registered against hosts in vCenter" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $hostsalarms $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- VM Alarm ---- If ($ShowVMAlarm){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking VM Alarms" $vmsalarms = @() foreach ($VMView in $FullVM){ if ($VMView.TriggeredAlarmState){ $VMsTriggeredAlarms = $VMView.TriggeredAlarmState Foreach ($VMsTriggeredAlarm in $VMsTriggeredAlarms){ $Details = "" | Select-Object Object, Alarm, Status, Time $Details.Object = $ $Details.Alarm = ($valarms |?{$_.value -eq ($VMsTriggeredAlarm.alarm.value)}).name $Details.Status = $VMsTriggeredAlarm.OverallStatus $Details.Time = $VMsTriggeredAlarm.time $vmsalarms += $Details } } } If (($vmsalarms | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $vmsalarms = $vmsalarms | sort Object $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VM(s) Alarm(s) : $($vmsalarms.count)" "The following alarms have been registered against VMs in vCenter" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $vmsalarms $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Cluster ConfigIssue ---- If ($ShowCLUAlarm){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking Cluster Configuration Issues" $clualarms = @() $clusviews = Get-View -ViewType ClusterComputeResource foreach ($clusview in $clusviews) { if ($clusview.ConfigIssue) { $CluConfigIssues = $clusview.ConfigIssue Foreach ($CluConfigIssue in $CluConfigIssues) { $Details = "" | Select-Object Name, Message $ = $ $Details.Message = $CluConfigIssue.FullFormattedMessage $clualarms += $Details } } } If (($clualarms | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $clualarms = $clualarms | sort name $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Cluster(s) Config Issue(s) : $($Clualarms.count)" "The following alarms have been registered against clusters in vCenter" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $clualarms $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Datastore OverAllocation ---- if ($ShowOverAllocation) { Write-CustomOut "..Checking Datastore OverAllocation" $storages = $Datastores |Get-View $voverallocation = @() foreach ($storage in $storages) { if ($storage.Summary.Uncommitted -gt "0") { $Details = "" | Select-Object Datastore, Overallocation $Details.Datastore = $ $Details.overallocation = [math]::round(((($storage.Summary.Capacity - $storage.Summary.FreeSpace) + $storage.Summary.Uncommitted)*100)/$storage.Summary.Capacity,0) if ($Details.overallocation -gt $OverAllocation) { $voverallocation += $Details } } } If (($voverallocation | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Datastore OverAllocation % over $OverAllocation : $($voverallocation.count)" "The following datastores may be overcommitted it is strongly sugested you check these" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $voverallocation $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- VM Host Uptime Warnings ---- if ($CheckHostUptime) { Write-CustomOut "..Checking for Host Uptime warnings" $HostUptime = @() $VMH | Get-View | % { $myDetails = "" | select Host, "Uptime (days)", Status $uptime = New-TimeSpan $_.Runtime.BootTime $date $myDetails.Host = $ $myDetails."Uptime (days)" = $uptime.days if ($uptime.days -lt 3) { $myDetails.Status = "Recently Rebooted" } elseif ($uptime.days -gt 60) { $myDetails.Status = "Uptime over 60 days - verify security patch levels" } else { $myDetails.Status = "Normal" } if ($myDetails.Status -ne "Normal") {$HostUptime += $myDetails} } If (($HostUptime | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Host uptime warnings : $($HostUptime.count)" "The following hosts have uptime over 60 days (and may require security patches) or under 3 days (recently added/rebooted)." $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $HostUptime $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } if ($ShowHostVUMNonCompliance) { # ---- Hosts VMware Update Manager Baseline non-compliance ---- Write-CustomOut "..Checking Hosts VMware Update Manager Baseline non-compliance" $vHostVUMNonCompliance = @() if ($powerclivumVersion -eq $null) { Write-CustomOut "..WARNING: vCenter Update Manager cmdlets not found." $myObj = "" | Select Warning $myObj.Warning = "vCenter Update Manager cmdlets not found, unable to process this check" $vHostVUMNonCompliance += $myObj } else { $NonCompliance = $VMH | Get-Compliance | Where-Object {$_.Status -ne "Compliant"} foreach ($ncHost in $NonCompliance) { $myObj = "" | select Host, Baseline, Status $myObj.Host = $ncHost.Entity $myObj.Baseline = $ncHost.Baseline.Name $myObj.Status = $ncHost.Status $vHostVUMNonCompliance += $myObj } } If (($vHostVUMNonCompliance | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Hosts VMware Update Manager Baseline non-compliance : $($vHostVUMNonCompliance.count)" "The following hosts are not compliant to the attached baselines" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $vHostVUMNonCompliance $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- VM Host OS Pivot Table ---- if ($HostOSPivot) { Write-CustomOut "..Creating Host OS Pivot table" $HostOSversions = @{ } $VMH | Get-View | % { $HostOSVersion = $_.Summary.Config.Product.FullName $HostOSversions.$HostOSversion++ } $myCol = @() foreach ( $hosname in $HostOSversions.Keys | sort) { $MyDetails = "" | select OS, Count $MyDetails.OS = $hosname $MyDetails.Count = $HostOSversions.$hosname $myCol += $MyDetails } $vHostOSversions = $myCol | sort Count -desc If (($vHostOSversions | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "Host Build versions in use : $($vHostOSversions.count)" "The following host builds are in use in this vCenter." $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $vHostOSversions $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # VCB Garbage if ($ShowVCBgarbage) { Write-CustomOut "..Checking VCB Garbage" $VCBGarbage = $VM |where { (Get-Snapshot -VM $_).name -contains "VCB|Consolidate|veeam" } |sort name |select name If (($VCBGarbage | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "VCB Garbage : $($VCBGarbage.count)" "The following snapshots have been left over from using VCB, you may wish to investigate if these are still needed" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $VCBGarbage $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Virtual Center Details ---- If ($ShowVCDetails){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking VC Services" $Services = @(Get-VIServices | Where {$_.Name -ne $null -and $_.Health -ne "OK"}) If (($Services | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "$VIServer Service Details : $($Services.count)" "The following vCenter Services are not in the required state" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable ($Services) $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Virtual Center Event Logs - Error ---- If ($Showvcerror){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking VC Error Event Logs" $ConvDate = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDmtfDateTime([DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-$VCEvntlgAge)) If ($SetUsername -ne ""){ $ErrLogs = @(Get-WmiObject -Credential $creds -computer $VIServer -query ("Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent Where Type='Error' and TimeWritten >='" + $ConvDate + "'") | Where {$_.Message -like "*VMware*"} | Select @{N="TimeGenerated";E={$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.TimeGenerated)}}, Message) } Else { $ErrLogs = @(Get-WmiObject -computer $VIServer -query ("Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent Where Type='Error' and TimeWritten >='" + $ConvDate + "'") | Where {$_.Message -like "*VMware*"} | Select @{N="TimeGenerated";E={$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.TimeGenerated)}}, Message) } If (($ErrLogs | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "$VIServer Event Logs ($VCEvntlgAge day(s)): Error : $($ErrLogs.count)" "The following errors were found in the vCenter Event Logs, you may wish to check these further" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable ($ErrLogs) $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # ---- Virtual Center Event Logs - Warning ---- If ($Showvcwarn){ Write-CustomOut "..Checking VC Warning Event Logs" $ConvDate = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDmtfDateTime([DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-$VCEvntlgAge)) If ($SetUsername -ne ""){ $WarnLogs = @(Get-WmiObject -Credential $creds -computer $VIServer -query ("Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent Where Type='Warning' and TimeWritten >='" + $ConvDate + "'") | Where {$_.Message -like "*VMware*"} | Select @{N="TimeGenerated";E={$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.TimeGenerated)}}, Message) } Else { $WarnLogs = @(Get-WmiObject -computer $VIServer -query ("Select * from Win32_NTLogEvent Where Type='Warning' and TimeWritten >='" + $ConvDate + "'") | Where {$_.Message -like "*VMware*"} | Select @{N="TimeGenerated";E={$_.ConvertToDateTime($_.TimeGenerated)}}, Message ) } If (($WarnLogs | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "$VIServer Event Logs ($VCEvntlgAge day(s)): Warning : $($WarnLogs.count)" "The following warnings were found in the vCenter Event Logs, you may wish to check these further" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable ($WarnLogs) $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } # VMKernel Warnings check if ($ShowVMKernel) { Write-CustomOut "..Checking VMKernel Warnings" $SysGlobalization = New-Object System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US") $VMHV = Get-View -ViewType HostSystem $VMKernelWarnings = @() foreach ($VMHost in ($VMHV)){ $product = $VMHost.config.product.ProductLineId if ($product -eq "embeddedEsx"){ $Warnings = (Get-Log -vmhost ($ -Key messages -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).entries |where {$_ -match "warning" -and $_ -match "vmkernel"} if ($Warnings -ne $null) { $VMKernelWarning = @() $Warnings | % { $Details = "" | Select-Object VMHost, Time, Message, Length, KBSearch, Google $Details.VMHost = $VMHost.Name if (($_.split()[1]) -eq "") {$Details.Time = ([datetime]::ParseExact(($_.split()[0] + " " + $_.split()[2] + " " + $_.split()[3]), "MMM d HH:mm:ss", $SysGlobalization))} else {$Details.Time = ([datetime]::ParseExact(($_.split()[0] + " " + $_.split()[1] + " " + $_.split()[2]), "MMM dd HH:mm:ss", $SysGlobalization))} $Message = ([regex]::split($_, "WARNING: "))[1] $Message = $Message -replace "'", " " $Details.Message = $Message $Details.Length = ($Details.Message).Length $Details.KBSearch = "Click Here" $Details.Google = "Click Here" if ($Details.Length -gt 0) { if ($Details.Time -gt $Date.AddDays(-$vmkernelchk) -and $Details.Time -lt $Date) { $VMKernelWarning += $Details } } } $VMKernelWarnings += $VMKernelWarning | Sort-Object -Property Length -Unique |select VMHost, Message, Time, KBSearch, Google } } else { $Warnings = (Get-Log –VMHost ($VMHost.Name) -Key vmkernel -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Entries | where {$_ -match "warning" -and $_ -match "vmkernel"} if ($Warnings -ne $null) { $VMKernelWarning = @() $Warnings | % { $Details = "" | Select-Object VMHost, Time, Message, Length, KBSearch, Google $Details.VMHost = $VMHost.Name if (($_.split()[1]) -eq "") {$Details.Time = ([datetime]::ParseExact(($_.split()[0] + " " + $_.split()[2] + " " + $_.split()[3]), "MMM d HH:mm:ss", $SysGlobalization))} else {$Details.Time = ([datetime]::ParseExact(($_.split()[0] + " " + $_.split()[1] + " " + $_.split()[2]), "MMM dd HH:mm:ss", $SysGlobalization))} $Message = ([regex]::split($_, "WARNING: "))[1] $Message = $Message -replace "'", " " $Details.Message = $Message $Details.Length = ($Details.Message).Length $Details.KBSearch = "Click Here" $Details.Google = "Click Here" if ($Details.Length -gt 0) { if ($Details.Time -gt $Date.AddDays(-$VMKernelchk)) { $VMKernelWarning += $Details } } } $VMKernelWarnings += $VMKernelWarning | Sort-Object -Property Length -Unique |select VMHost, Message, Time, KBSearch, Google } } } If (($VMKernelWarnings | Measure-Object).count -gt 0 -or $ShowAllHeaders) { $VMKernelWarnings = $VMKernelWarnings |sort time -Descending $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader "ESX/ESXi VMKernel Warnings" "The following VMKernel issues were found, it is suggested all unknown issues are explored on the VMware Knowledge Base. Use the below links to automatically search for the string" $MyReport += Get-HTMLTable $VMKernelWarnings $MyReport += Get-CustomHeaderClose } } $MyReport += Get-CustomHeader0Close $MyReport += Get-CustomHTMLClose #Uncomment the following lines to save the htm file in a central location if ($DisplayToScreen) { Write-CustomOut "..Displaying HTML results" if (-not (test-path c:\tmp\)){ MD c:\tmp | Out-Null } $Filename = "C:\tmp\" + $VIServer + "vCheck" + "_" + $date.ToString($dateFormat) + ".htm" $MyReport | out-file -encoding ASCII -filepath $Filename Invoke-Item $Filename } if ($SendEmail) { Write-CustomOut "..Sending Email" send-SMTPmail $EmailTo $EmailFrom "$VISRV vCheck Report" $SMTPSRV $MyReport } $VIServer | Disconnect-VIServer -Confirm:$false