PowerCLI vCheck 5.47 – Additional RAM checks

Todays update includes two new sections to the general reporting section of the report. These sections are not configuration issues/problems, just additional information about your environment.

# Version 5.47- bwuch: Added memory per cluster check provided by Ed
# Version 5.46- bwuch: Added vRAM check using @LucD function

5.46 – Added @LucD’s function Get-vRAMInfo from http://www.lucd.info/2011/07/13/query-vram/. This function checks vRAM allocations against vSphere 5 licensing allocations. This check includes version all hosts — even those not running version 5.0. It is important to note the new licensing does not take effect until/unless you upgrade. This check is included for planning purposes.
5.47 – Added code provided by a reader named Ed in the comments for the vCheck 5.40 post. It shows the amount of allocated RAM per MB of physical RAM in a cluster. His comments are available here.

You can download the updated version here: vcheck5.47.ps1

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8 Responses to PowerCLI vCheck 5.47 – Additional RAM checks

  1. Mihai says:


    On our configuration the script finds local disks as LUNs on HP hosts and warns that they are not seen by all the nodes in the cluster. I found that if you modify the script to filter them like this:

    Under checkclusterluns if: (line 1072 in my script)
    $LUNs = $clusterVMHostViews | ForEach {$_.Config.StorageDevice.ScsiLun| where { $_.gettype().name -eq “HostScsiDisk” } | ForEach {$_.Uuid}} | Select -Unique
    and line 1075
    $HostLUNs = $clusterVMHostView.Config.StorageDevice.ScsiLun |where { $_.gettype().name -eq “HostScsiDisk” } | ForEach {$_.Uuid} | Select -Unique

  2. Mark Hodges says:

    One issue I am running into is that everything related to counts like hosts, vm’s,etc are all duplicated.
    The script report states I have 18 hosts vs 9 and each host is counted twice. That of course throws all the numbers off because i counts are duplicated.
    Ever see that before?

  3. It almost sounds like multiple connections exist to the same VI-Server. Do you have any additional Connect-VIServer calls in the script?

    I set up a scenario where I have this same problem, but if I run the following command:

    get-vm onevmname | %{ ($_ | Get-View).Client }

    I see two different ServiceUrl values from where I connected to the same vi-server twice under different names/aliases.

  4. Mark Hodges says:

    I didn’t see any actual duplicate connections, but what I decided to do was add in the discocction from the Vcenter server above the connection to force any open connections to close and then re-connect.
    Seems to have resolved that issue, whatever it is…


  5. Mark Hodges says:

    Found another issue. If the vmware tools are not running, it doesn’t report the VM in the VM’s by operating system.

    IE, we have 6 virtual machines running Windows 7..however only 3 are in the report…3 do not report their tools as running.

  6. Al Sheppard says:

    Great script! Can I suggest another check for the number of snapshots per VM with a warning above, say, 3. I ask as our VDR server went a little nuts, locked a VM’s hard drive and in trying to snapshot it subsequently, has created 30+ snapshots.

  7. Hi,

    great script and works very fine in single datacenter / cluster environments

    I am ,running this script now in a vcenter environment that has multiple datacenters and in the datacenters we have multiple clusters.

    I see data the part of the script that checks the datastores and the bios versions has some problems with this, in other words it only dos 1 cluster instead of multiple that exist across multiple datacenters in 1 vCenter

    hope you can fix this



  8. Kim says:

    Is It possible to have the script to check Cluster compliance (HA/DRS) such as the Host Isolation Response setting. The reocommended Host Isolation Response setting is “Leave Powered on” so that the VM will be powered on when host failure occurred. It will be good if the script is able to verify this settings.

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